Feel Lighter, Vibrant and Age Healthfully

This is possible when you learn the skills you need to support your health through real food and lifestyle changes.

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RESTART your health

A five-week workshop with real food, real learning, and real support.

Cleanse your body with a three-week processed food detox.
Less bloating, more energy!
Develop a healthier relationship with food.
upcoming workshop
Stay tuned for upcoming workshops!
A woman on her laptop enjoying a consultation.

Do you want to feel and look vibrant and healthy?

Every person, and body, is different. I’m trained to tailor my support accordingly.

Holistic analysis of your lifestyle
Goal-setting and weekly check-ins.
Schedule a consultation

Hi, I'm Christine!

As the founder of Reclaim Your Health, holistic health has been my passion for over seven years now. I have received training as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, a RESTART instructor, a Supplement Quality Specialist and a Restorative Wellness Practitioner.

My health journey started when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis over 15 years ago and I had no idea what it was or why I was having brain fog, intense bloating, mood swings and low energy. I had a lot of questions but my doctors did not have answers for me so I found them on my own.

Soon after my diagnosis, my son became sick with a mystery illness for over five months in eighth grade. During these months the medical system failed me and I needed to find another path to wellness.

After many trials and errors, I found my way to restoring my son’s health and my health through food and lifestyle changes. Since then, I’ve done the same for myself, the rest of my family, and now, my clients.

My focus now as I approach 60 years old is to age as healthfully as possible using all of the knowledge I have gathered through my personal experience and education. I am here to help you do the same. Thanks for stopping by and reading my story😊

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